Our plan at Cleveland Baptist is to move people down the discipleship pathway: to Connect, Explore, Grow and Serve. We are excited to help you take the next step wherever you might be on your faith journey.
One of the best ways to grow as followers of Jesus is by doing life together. We have various Life Groups at CBC which meet at different times, and study God's Word together. We encourage people to first attend a few of our Sunday services to get to know us, then to inform one of our welcome team members (at the welcome desk) that you are interested in joining a group.
Baptism is very important for followers of Jesus, as Jesus commanded His apostles to "make disciples of all nations" and to baptise them
(Matthew 28:19). If you'd like to know more about baptism, please approach one of our welcome team members (at our welcome desk) and they will direct you toward one of our leaders who runs a short baptism course.